Thursday, October 4, 2007

Leaf of Light

This image is a little odd, considering the actual conditions surrounding it. It's a B+W shot of a green leaf that has just turned golden-yellow. Behind the leaf is direct sunlight and a blue sky. The idea here was to try to create an x-ray type image, much like those by Bert Myers, but use a DSLR and have a black background. To get this shot I zoomed in on the back side of the leaf and set my exposure. Then I zoomed out to frame the shot, holding the original exposure settings. I stopped down the shot by -1/3 and finally achieved what I was looking for.

Seadragon this image!

Location: Second Lid Park, Mercer Island, Washington
Season: Autumn
f-stop: 4.5
Shutter speed: 1/1000
Focal length: 105mm
ISO: 100
Compensation: -.3 step
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