Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Glimpse of Spring

Over time, I have found that when I seek out subjects to photograph, I tend to shoot marginal images. What tends to work well for me is to ignore the fact that I love to shoot photos. Sounds stupid, I know. But in reality, I seem to notice interesting subjects when I least expect it. Theses images are a good example.

I was cutting the grass when I noticed a few small flowers. The conditions were perfect for a good shot, but I was covered in grass and didn't have access to my equipment. I had to wait an hour, and by the time I came back the dew had evaporated and the sun was very strong. I didn't want to take the time to fix both issues, so I chose the one I could fix the easiest: the dew. I misted the flowers with water and began to shoot. Of the two images below, I like the first shot the best because the flowers really appear to be rising out of the lawn.

Seadragon this image!

Location: Mercer Island, Washington
Season: Winter
f-stop: 4.5
Shutter speed: 1/800
Focal length: 105mm
ISO: 100
Other comments: Strong afternoon sun cast strong shadows. Flowers misted with water.

Seadragon this image!

Location: Mercer Island, Washington
Season: Winter
f-stop: 4.5
Shutter speed: 1/500
Focal length: 88mm
ISO: 100
Other comments: Strong afternoon sun cast strong shadows. Flowers misted with sugar water.

1 comment:

Janelle said...

Clearly, you have found what works for you......nice job with WB in such full sun. I have to go back and read this again; did you say the season was winter? *envies you*